Saturday 5 April 2014

Arrabella & her Double Moss Stitch

This week I have also been dreaming of another doll. Her name is Arrabella and she is filled with vintage, bohemian personality.

I wanted her sweater jacket to have real texture and weight so I thought double moss stitch might be nice. Only problem is, I've never tried it before, but hey, how hard can it be, right??


But after a slow start I got it. The most important part is to keep track of what row you are on.

There seems to be a couple of ways people do double moss or double seed stitch

1) Working on a row with stitches in multiples of 4

Rows 1 & 2  knit two, purl two, repeat

Rows 3 & 4  purl two, knit two, repeat

Repeat these 4 rows for pattern.

2) Working on row with stitches in  multiples of 2

Row 1  purl one, knit one, repeat

Row 2  knit one, purl one, repeat

Row 3  knit one, purl one, repeat

Row 4  purl one, knit one, repeat

Repeat these 4 rows for pattern

I decided to use the latter, example 2.

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